


Psychedelic Guide


Our program philosophy

Our programs aim to restore a lost sense of connection and responsibility to the collective and the earth. We approach psychedelic education with respect, responsibility, and reverence, and are dedicated to creating a culture of safety, respect, and ethical use. We prioritize opportunities for practice and oversight to ensure ethical and effective guidance.

Learn more about why we developed our programs and the core principles that guide the programs.

Groundwork Program

Enrollment Open NOW 

Experiential programs emphasize personal development and an orientation towards collective healing and cultural, social, and ecological systems awareness. This program may be supportive to those in the helping professionals and is a starting point for those wishing to enter our program educating guides working with psychedelics.

Psychedelic Guide Apprenticeship

An immersive and experiential approach to learning how to become a skilled and compassionate psychedelic guide. Our program provides both theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as hands-on training with small cohorts for peer feedback and practice sessions. With highly supervised training, apprentices gradually transition from observing a guide to leading sessions with support from a supervisor.

Virtual Programs

Join us for special topics, speakers, and for psychedelics ethics case review discussions.

Coming soon